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  1. 民國39年借用農會一隅,成立「北屯區衛生所四民保健站」,辦理各項預防注射及門診服務。
  2. 民國54年奉前臺灣省政府核定改制為「北屯區衛生所四民衛生室」,並遷移至臺中市北屯區后庄路1060號,並由前臺灣省政府全額補助興建二層樓建物。
  3. 民國9011月因轄區人口增長,奉核升格為「北屯區四民衛生所」。
  4. 民國93年原址改建成一棟四層樓辦公大樓,施工期間暫借臺中市北屯區公所行政大樓二樓辦公。
  5. 民國9495日搬遷至新大樓 (門號變更為后庄路1062) 為民眾服務。
  6. 本所服務二十個里:仁和、仁美、后庄、平德、松安、松竹、松和、四民、陳平、忠平、大德、同榮、平和、平陽、水湳、仁愛、松茂、松勇、松強、新平里,人口數為13萬多人。
  7. 民國107726日本所護士晉陞護理師。
  8. 民國109年起COVID-19病毒疫情遍及全球,衛生所亦在疫情調查、疫苗接種、疫情控制等防疫工作中盡一份力。
  9. 民國112年2月起於本所4樓開設C據點長照站,提供長者服務。


(二)建築 (民國94年9月5日重建完成遷入,佔地550坪)

  1. 戶外空間:機車停放區、無障礙坡道。
  2. 一樓服務區:單一窗口服務臺、候診區、診察室、注射室、消毒室、哺集乳室、男女廁所、殘障(性別友善)廁所。
  3. 二樓辦公區:主任室、護理長室、行政辦公室、電腦室。
  4. 三樓衛教區:衛教資料室、檔案室、會議室、衛教視聽室、防疫物資儲藏室。
  5. 四樓大禮堂
The history and the new building          


  1. In year 1950, Su-Min Public Health Spot was established for immunization and clinical services in a corner of Agriculture Association building.
  2. In year 1965, Su-Min Public Health Station was permitted by Taiwan Provincial Government and moved to a two-floored building at 1060 Ho-Zoung road.
  3. In November 2001, Su-Min Public Health Station was upgrade to be a Health Center.
  4. In year 2004, the old two-floored building was demolished for reconstruction. We had done services at 2nd floor of Bei-Tun District Building in that period.
  5. On September 5th 2005, we moved back to the renewed building at 1062 Ho-Zoung road.
  6. We are currently looking after 20 villages and 130,000 people.
  7. In year 2018, Nurse upgrade Professional Nurse.
  8. In year 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has spread worldwide, we have been making efforts in epidemic investigation, vaccine administration, and epidemic control to combat the pandemic.

 B.The new building

  1. Outdoor consists of parking area and wheelchair ramp.
  2. First floor consists of Information counter, waiting space, checkup room, gynecology room, injection room, autoclave room, nursing room and toilets.
  3. Second floor consists of offices, kitchen, computer room and toilets.
  4. Third floor consists of Document room, conference rooms and storage rooms.
  5. There is a hall and electronic devices room on the fourth floor.
  • 市府分類: 一般行政
  • 最後異動日期: 2024-09-11
  • 發布日期: 2023-12-01
  • 發布單位: 臺中市北屯區四民衛生所
  • 點閱次數: 4002